High-Quality Pumps and Hydrocyclones


Trusted Manufacturers of High Quality Pumps

Mineralx Flowtech Private Limited is a one-stop destination for reliable machines, equipment and services in the construction, infrastructure, and mining industries. We can also be called upon for the easy and smooth transportation of fluid or chemicals without any risks. The products and services we provide to our customers are nothing short of perfection. We value quality here in Mineralx more than anything else. We have a balanced relationship of basic and advanced technical assistance. We are mainly concentrating on Hydraulics, materials development, and automation.

Speed of implementation, clear visions and our staff make us an effective team to cope up with the changing time and environment. A new generation of products and solutions in the field of material handling, measuring and processing is required to meet the demands and challenges of today’s market. In order to avoid future complexities and challenging situations for laborers, the industry is looking for energy-efficient and automation which will be addressed by Mineralx Flowtech


Our business strategies are formulated after considering environmental safety. We do not promote harming the environment by any means at Mineralx. We satisfy the demands of our customers of manufacturing and delivering quality products without disturbing the environment and nature’s harmony.

The right integration of tradition with innovation provides us a competitive edge in this challenging and always changing market. The skill of our team is the most appreciable and commendable factor behind Mineralx’s success.